Tracy's Updates

Friday, October 27, 2006

My Shack

This is Frost Park, the park referred to in "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" - the song (was written here in town). The park is just across the road from my apartment building.

Fountain in the park

My "apartment building" on the corner of Porter and Main St. houses 8 apartments and one laundry room. My apartment is the on the top floor, right hand side. I have two entrances - this one is off my living room.

My apartment on the top again. The siding covered add-on is my main entrance. The parking lot here belongs to The Rodd/Grand Hotel - which is right next door.

The view from my front deck. You can see a little bit of harbour there if you look past the buildings.

Here is my tiny kitchen/entrance, without a table and chairs (should be getting that any day now).

The Living Room - and my lovely futon (doubles as the guest bed).

Another view of the living room. The two doors lead to the bedrooms/office.

Office/junk room

And that's it - my tiny place! It seems to be working out alright for now...


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